

Hey Guys!

So, if you saw last week's post on Thursday, it's definitely a hint for the topic of this week's video :)...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Posted by Jalisa's Fashion Files on 03. 12. 14. under

Hello Beauties!

I've had this skirt for what seems like forever and haven't worn it much on the blog, so the idea came to mind that I should pair it with my light pink faux leather jacket, both purchased at Annie Sez, on sale by the way ;) I not only love how the colors go great together, but I love how...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)


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Hey Guys!

For today's look, I wanted to go for something different, fashionable, and just funky. Every now and then I'll create a look that's completely different than what I'd typically wear to keep things interesting and inspiring. Plus, (CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Posted by Jalisa's Fashion Files on 03. 09. 14. under

I felt like wearing something printed, so I opted for my cheetah blazer and this time around, I decided to belt it, since it lacks a natural shape that doesn't do much for my figure. When it comes to blazers that don't have a curved shape, yet you really like it...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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So last night, I was invited to Keaton Row's stylist meet & greet by one of my blogger friends, Sara. Keaton Row is an online styling website where you can...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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