Hello Glammies!

You all know that I'm a huge lover of animal prints by now. Part of the reason is because they're such a great way to add a nice print to an otherwise plain and boring look, plus they go with practically everything and are suitable for most occassions and settings. One print that I don't feel...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Posted by Jalisa's Fashion Files on 03. 04. 14. under

Hello Gorgeous Ladies!

Today's look is feminine glam meets punk combo. Punk style is known for edgier pieces such as the tartan plaid skirt and leather boots, like the ones I'm wearing here. What softens up the look, creating that...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Happy Monday, Ladies!

This week's video will provide you all with some easy to create suggestions on how to visually lengthen your legs. This video is NOT only for petites, but for anyone who wants to create the illusion of longer legs! 

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...I honestly had no clue what I was going to wear, which is often the case on Saturday nights, as I begin to get ready. Somehow, I always manage to put together a look, after staring into my packed closet, as if something would so conveniently jump out at me, like...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Hello Loves,

For today, I went with an all black leather look with subtle hints of radiant orchid, which looks gorgeous against the black leather. Yes it's true that black goes with everything, but...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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