Hello my beauties!
Are we having a good week so far?! Can you believe we're already half way through the week AND in September (my birthday month, yay)?! My gosh time is flying by! I think that was the most exclamation points I ever used in one line, haha. Anyway, onto the post.
There have been a few times Eddie has presented the idea of moving out of state to me and each time I've turned his proposition down (kindly and in love of course ;) I mean, I'm a born and raised New Yorker and quite frankly, there's no other place like it, it's home to me! I grew up as an inner city kid (The Bronx) and have fond memories of playing all the outdoor games until dusk; jump rope, manhunt, oh the memories I'm getting right now! We never stayed inside when I was a kid, in fact we didn't even have cable, no one on my block did. We were always playing and using our imaginations and sometimes, getting into some trouble with the seniors (I admit, I was often the culprit). Plus, I like that we experience the fullness of each season and what it has to offer, although there have been times when that goes completely out the window when we get those intense winter snow storms. What's fun about shoveling snow off your car early in the morning in below zero weather as it snows?! But it's home, so I tolerate it. Will I change my mind one day, I don't know. All I know is that now, I have no intention. I'm sure many of you can relate. Even if you've moved, your current location is nothing like home and it will never be. That's what makes it so special.
A couple of months ago, The Home T reached out to me to collaborate on this post and sent me this shirt of the state of New York. I loved the concept, of course, plus I was pleased to learn that they donate a minimum of 10% of their profits to multiple sclerosis research. My mom volunteers and mentors for a program for disadvantage youth here in NYC, many of which are in the foster care system, and her mentee has MS. So this collab hit home, literally! Be sure to check them out, I'm absolutely loving this T (here) how cute is it?!
I would love to know where YOU are all from, so please let me know in the comment's section! As well as if you've moved or if you ever thought about it.
As always, thanks so much for stopping by and I hope your day is awesome!
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