Hey Girlies!

This week's video is on how to select the best maxi dresses and jumpers for your body shape! These pieces are super fun and easy, especially for the summer. Since they highlight our figures, it's important that we're selecting styles that are most suitable for our shapes and after watching this video, you'll know exactly what to look for ;)


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Posted by Jalisa's Fashion Files on 07. 16. 14. under

Hey Beauties!

Since we are in summer, it can certainly get hot while working, especially if you're one who's always outside throughout the day. A great way to keep cool and look fashionably appropriate at work would be to opt for a short suit. Of course you want to select a pair of shorts that's appropriate for your work setting...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)


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Hey Girlies!

I created this look centered around a dessert theme. Although the dress is grey and white, I feel that with the combination of nude and gold, it gives off a very earthy and dessert night inspired vibe...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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If you remember in my video that went up two weeks ago on What the Color in Our Outfits Really Mean, I mentioned that pink is considered and viewed as a romantic color, while blue denotes honesty or trustworthiness...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)


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Posted by Jalisa's Fashion Files on 07. 13. 14. under


Hello Ladies!

So we're at the end of the weekend, huh...well, let's take the time and make it our business to think our way ahead by having a positive perspective about this upcoming week, shall we?! (CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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