Happy Monday Divas!

This week's video is all about that romantic holiday that is quickly approaching, Valentine's Day. I created four looks to give you all some ideas on what you may want to wear for your event or date, from casual to a bit on the dressy side, I got you covered. I also mentioned that I recently joined Luvocracy, which is much like...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Hello Gorgeous Ladies!

It has been such a long time since Eddie and I have had Italian, months actually. We were getting so tired of having Italian, since we were having it so much at one point that we decided to take a hiatus from it...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Hello Divas!

Today's outfit was a little darker and a bit edgy, since it was a gloomy day out. I generally like to wear brighter pieces on days like today, but I opted for something else; a different look. Plus, I try to...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Posted by Jalisa's Fashion Files on 01. 15. 14. under

Hello all my hard working ladies!

When it comes to jersey dresses, it can be a bit challenging to work with, since the material is very stretchy. Now that could of course be a good thing, since it can stretch over those curves, however, sometimes they can show traces of cellulite, so you want to be careful! (CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Hello Fashionistas!

It's been a rather gloomy and rainy day, perfect to break out some earthy colors with a pop of color here and there to brighten things up a bit. A couple of months ago, I wore this camo printed sweater with a pair of olive green velvet pants, but...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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