Hello lovelies!
This week's video is the beginning of a series that I will be doing on the various body types and how to identify, dress, and style them (CLICK READ MORE)
Hello lovelies!
This week's video is the beginning of a series that I will be doing on the various body types and how to identify, dress, and style them (CLICK READ MORE)
Hi darling dolls!
For tonight's date night, my husband and I decided to pay a visit to a little Mexican restaurant that we've been hearing about and had not been to. (CLICK READ MORE)
Hello dolls!
Today's post is super casual but chic at the same time, great combo right?!? (CLICK READ MORE)
Hello you fab ladies!
In today's post, I wanted to talk about adding pops of color to your work wear. (CLICK READ MORE)
Hello darlings!
It is so incredibly cold here in New York, 24 degrees, and I wanted to show you my full outfit without a coat, so I decided to take the pics inside today. The lighting may not be all that great, but please bare with me :) (CLICK READ MORE)