Posted by Jalisa's Fashion Files on 01. 25. 13. under


Hi darling dolls!

For tonight's date night, my husband and I decided to pay a visit to a little Mexican restaurant that we've been hearing about and had not been to. We've been to our share of Mexican restaurants and have gone to Mexico, so our standard is pretty high, to say the least! To be quite honest with you, I was not a fan of this one. It's not that the food wasn't good, it was just ok. I feel that since in New York there are so many Italian and Mexican restaurants, that the competition should be pretty fierce. There is another Mexican restaurant that we have gone to so many times and I feel it's way better. The one thing that did impress me though, was the lobster quesadillas that we had for starters. I have never had a lobster quesadillas before nor have I ever seen it on a menu. Would we go there again? Perhaps, I wouldn't say definitely. 

I decided to wear all black with a pop of color, which by now you should know that I love my color! I also got a chance to break out this beautiful coat that I purchased from Macy's last year. Last year we didn't have much of a winter here in NY, so soon as I saw snow outside, I got excited! It's so warm and luxurious, I feel like a million bucks in it, haha. Hey I may not have the millions yet, but I can feel like it, right?!

What I wore:

1 Madison coat from Macy's 

Charlotte Russe pink linen blazer

Black cami & jeggings from Marshall's

Nine West boots

Necklace & earrings from Express

Bracelets from Annie Sez, Jessica Simpson, & a local boutique

Michael Kors clutch




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