Hello Beauties!

So as many of you know, we experienced an intense snow storm here in New York; a foot of snow total! I spent most of my Friday shoveling and trying to stay warm and now I'm feeling the aftermath of that workout all in the center of my back, but I really can't complain, since I hadn't been to the gym in a few days. It was my free total body workout for 2hrs! That being said, it was just way too cold and messy outside for us to take the pictures on the streets last night, plus totally not safe, considering the six inch heels I was wearing, lol. 

Eddie and I were accompanied by one of his co-workers and his girlfriend for dinner in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn. We hadn't eaten in Brooklyn in what seems like forever, considering the fact that we were practically there every weekend over the summer for our date nights. They took us to one of their favorite spots, Walter's. Their supposedly well known for their seafood, so that was pretty much what I had ordered. Their also known for their "famous fried chicken", which when I first heard of it, I was a bit skeptical, since so many restaurants have a "famous fried chicken" and it's like, who claims it to be famous? The chef or the actual guests?! Lol. Boy was I proven to be wrong with my skepticism, it was extremely delicious and I was happy that hubby shared some with me, although he generally does share his meal; so sweet. As for my meal, it was just as good. I had their special for the night, which were pan seared scallops atop marinated mashed potatoes; so delish! As you can tell, I didn't take any pics. They both know that I'm a blogger, but it still felt awkward to start snapping shots while at the table with two people that I just met, wouldn't you agree? I'm sure I'll eventually get passed that. 

As for my outfit, I wanted to wear these silver sparkly tights for the longest. Last night was actually the first time I've ever worn them and I've had them for about three years, sadly to say. I felt that the blush colored dress/tunic would go extremely well with them and I felt it did. As for the boots, I wore one of my favorite boots in my collection, which no one can ever believe are from Payless. Let me share my experience with these babies last night. So we drove to the restaurant instead of taking the train, which we generally do anyway. We of course couldn't find any parking in front of the restaurant and ended up parking about a block (New York City block) away. Now can you just imagine me walking in these boots in the snow on an icy sidewalk? Not to mention that my husband was wearing his favorite Louis Vuitton loafers, lol, we looked ridiculous, but had fun, nonetheless. I was the only woman we saw wearing heels and he was the only man wearing loafers, everyone else was wearing their intense, ready-for-the-snow, snow boots. I guess you can say getting to the place was an experience in that of itself! 

When it comes to wearing a look like this, I would definitely suggest these color combinations to my cool and neutral skin toned girls. Why? Well, silver and anything that has a silver or blue undertone works best for the cool tones and makes the skin look more luminescent. The neutral skin tones can wear either silver or gold or blue or yellow under-toned pieces. Not to say that you can't wear these colors if you are warm toned, but it may make you appear a bit washed out, which is why I like to suggest avoiding them. 



TIGHTS: DKNY (Outlet Store)

BOOTS: Christian Siriano for Payless 


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