Posted by Jalisa's Fashion Files on 11. 02. 13. under

Hey Ladies!

For the outfit I chose, I wanted something a bit casual, since it was a commercial steakhouse. I decided to wear my high waisted black skinnies with the leather trim on the sides, which are extremely comfortable, along with my leopard print RD Style top, which...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Hello Gorgeous Ladies!

As many of you know, I attended the Red Light PR's Spring 2014 Press Preview on Tuesday. I always have such an amazing time and experience when I attend their events, especially since they always feature such...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Posted by Jalisa's Fashion Files on 10. 30. 13. under

Hello all my hard working women!

Today I will be discussing this really interesting skirt that I purchased a while ago from Annie Sez. It's a zebra print, but what makes it interesting is that it doesn't have the original or actual color combination of a zebra, which of course caught my eye. Now, I'm going to be honest with you,(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Hello Gorgeous Ladies!

I wanted to create a post that would have photos of the pieces worn, so you could get a closer and still look at them, and also to provide you all with the info about where I purchased each item. Like I mentioned,(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Hi Ladies!

This week's episode was very fun to film, for many reasons. One of which was that we had a change up of scenery. I decided to take you all outdoors with me to make things a bit more fun and interesting. Next, I've never done a video where I've explained an outfit without implementing voice over. I wanted to...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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