Hey Guys!

Today's outfit is comfy meets chic, since I paired this oh so comfy leopard printed sweater with croc printed leggings. What gave the look that chic vibe was the addition of the leggings with the sheen finish, black ankle booties, and burgundy lip. This is exactly why I love...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Hey Beauties!

This week's video is completely different than what you're typically used to seeing from me, since it's a tag, my...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Posted by Jalisa's Fashion Files on 11. 30. 13. under


Hello Beauties!

During this time of reflection of all what we can and should be thankful for, I wanted to express my appreciation and gratitude for all of your support and encouragement. You all are such amazing and beautiful women and I wish I could hug and kiss each and everyone of you! A little over a year ago, (CLICK READ MORE!!!)


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Posted by Jalisa's Fashion Files on 11. 27. 13. under

Hello Beauties!

Are you all ready for the big day tomorrow?! Did you get the turkey yet or are you one of those who waits until the last minute? Don't feel bad, I used to be, too. Especially when I was taking seven science classes one semester for my undergraduate degree, yes, those days were nothing short than stressful! But anyway, I...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Hello Gorgeous Ladies!

In this week's video, I will be providing you all with three DIFFERENT outfit ideas centered around the houndstooth print. It's a classic and trendy pattern that is extremely versatile and can be worn in various ways. But, (CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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