Hey Ladies!

First dates can either go smoothly or terribly wrong and you must approach the situation knowing that while there are some things you can control, such as your outfit, there are others you just simply...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Hello Beauties!

I want you all to seriously think about the answer to this question, do you feel beautiful? If you do, then you're apart of...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Hey Girlies!

In this week's video, I will be sharing some tips on what I've learned works in combating oil and grease buildup in hair, especially fine textured hair, which tends to get the greasiest. As always, I hope you find the video helpful!  (CLICK READ MORE TO COMMENT!)

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Posted by Jalisa's Fashion Files on 06. 25. 14. under

Happy Hump Day, Ladies!

So I'm pretty sure you've all heard or have watched the show, Orange Is the New Black. I personally have never watched it, but I have noticed how it has sparked some talk within the fashion community recently. Is orange the new black?(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Hey Babes!

I actually wore this look on Sunday for a fun and relaxed day with family. I was going to be around children, so I wanted to be...(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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