Good morning sweet loves!

This week's W3 post is about finding the RIGHT blazer for work that compliments your body shape! You might be asking, "well, how do you know my body shape to say that these blazers are right for me?" These blazers, shown here, are right for everyone. (CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Hi beauties!

I came up with an outfit idea that I thought you'd like, which features a combination of two pastel colors, orange and mint. Mint is probably at the top of my list when it comes to colors that I think of during the spring season and is certainly a trendy color this spring! I wanted to fuse this dainty feminine color with some spice and flare, which is why I opted for this light orange/coral color to pair it with. 

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Hello fashionistas!

This week's video will provide you with three different outfit ideas on how to style a simple but trendy piece, the black and white striped shirt. Black and white is a huge trend this season, as well as stripes. They are such a versatile color combination that can take you from classy and chic to casual and simple. Whichever style you would describe as your own, there's a way to wear this trend in a way that fits your unique style! (CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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Posted by Jalisa's Fashion Files on 03. 30. 13. under

Hello beauties and thanks for stopping by!

Last night, Eddie and I decided that we wanted to have Cuban and we've been hearing about this Cuban restaurant, so we finally paid them a visit. I will be honest with you right off the bat, it was horrible! (CLICK READ MORE!!!!)

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Hi everyone!

I will be posting tonight's date night pics tomorrow, since we usually get back late and I'll be way too tired to upload. But, in the meantime, I wanted to share my thoughts on a company that reached out to me about a month ago, Uniqso. I told you guys in a previous post that I would be doing a review on a pair of earrings that they were going to send to me.(CLICK READ MORE!!!)

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