Happy Mother's Day!

I hope you're all having a wonderful end to your weekend, but most importantly, enjoying this beautiful Mother's Day! I had an awesome weekend spent with my wonderful mother; it's always a great time when she's around me. We joke and laugh way too much, we're both free spirits and think everything is funny. I think we look for humor in just about every scenario because life is better with a smile. I took today as an opportunity to honor her with a special Mother's Day brunch at a wonderful southern/caribbean style restaurant. But on that note, I try my best to honor her everyday, because I strongly believe that we should honor and appreciate our mother's every day. So I say to those of you who are reading and may not have the best relationship with your mother, to forgive and start over. I know it sounds easier said than done, but regardless of the mistakes she's made, she gave you life and you wouldn't be here without her. 

For those of you reading who are mothers, I wish you a very Happy Mother's Day. May you enjoy this day of honor and remember that you have the hardest, yet most rewarding job in the world. You're molding leaders, life changers. Know that you are not perfect and have and will continue to make mistakes, but know that through your strength, love, and dedication, your children are watching and absorbing all that you do, all the sacrifices you've made. One day they will grow up and thank you for the awesome job you've done. Once again, Happy Mother's Day



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