Hello ladies & gents!

I want to take this time to thank all of you who wished me a happy birthday on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! You all helped to make my birthday extra special! I wanted to show you all my outfit that I chose to wear for my birthday dinner. I didn't take any photos of the food because I was busy chatting with my family and I didn't want to stop each time to take pics, I hope you understand! But, of course, I had to show you my dress. Now, if you watched my video on styling a leather jacket (HERE), then I know you must have recognized this dress, which I styled completely different in that video. For my birthday, I wanted to wear hot pink accessories because I felt that the cobalt would go great with those hints of vibrant color! I chose to add my tribal print clutch because it added more fun to the look and of course had the pink color going on as well. I love how lady like this dress is. Not only because it's lace, but also because of the color. It has the appearance of sapphire, which is the September birthstone, and is also a royal color, so I guess it's safe to say that I felt like a princess on my birthday!


DRESS: Boutique in Manhattan 

NECKLACE: Charming Charlie


SHOES: Nine West Garisono shoe (Nine West Outlet)

CLUTCH: Marshall's 


Again, thanks so much for all the birthday wishes, you guys are amazing!




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